Advent and Christmas Resources

Here are some ideas to help your celebration of the seasons of Advent and Christmas: a time of joyful waiting and expectation, of hope and trust, and a celebration of the promises of God.  HOW CAN WE PREPARE WELL THIS YEAR? (Click on any of the links below)

What is Advent? Watch this video Advent in 2 minutes

BUSTED HALO ADVENT CALENDAR (Click on each date for inspiration and ideas!) Or try this one SHARING HOPE ADVENT CALENDAR


Loving God,

 We give you thanks for the blessings of this holy Advent season.

 You are the source of life, of hope, and of all good things.

 We look forward to the coming of the light of Christ at Christmas.

 Help us to turn toward that light in our lives. We rejoice at the gift of your Son who taught us to love in your name.

May we be people of peace, justice and love, all the days of our lives.  Amen

Draw, paint, knit or sew a Christmas Star for your window. Your star points the way for Jesus!


God of all creation,
we praise you for this tree
which brings beauty and memories
and the promise of life to our home.
May your blessing be upon
all who gather around this tree,
all who keep the Christmas festival by its lights.
We wait for the coming of the Christ,
the days of everlasting justice and of peace.
You are our God, living and reigning,
for ever and ever.
R. Amen.

Knit a Christmas Angel - you can contribute angels to our parish project or knit them for your own decorations at home. Email for the pattern.

CHILDREN’ LITURGY OF THE WORD (during Advent) 10.00 am Mass

For the four Sundays of Advent children are invited to participate in a separate Liturgy of the Word during the 10.00 am Mass. They move to the St. Finian Room in the Parish Centre where they listen to a Bible Story using Godly Play Methodology, wonder and reflect on the story, before rejoining the congregation at Mass at the Offertory. Last Sunday we started our journey to Bethlehem with the Prophets who point the way. All children are welcome each Sunday.


Why not think about making an Advent Wreath for your home to help countdown through this special season?  You could use greenery from the garden and get 5 candles: 3 purple, 1 pink and 1 white. (If you can't get different coloured candles just use 5 plain ones). Take some time each Sunday in Advent to light the candles in turn and to pray together as a family.

First Sunday OF ADVENT: Light a Purple Candle (The Candle of Hope)

Child: God, we ask you to bless our family Advent Wreath. It has evergreen leaves, reminding us that you will always be with us…and it is shaped like a circle, with no beginning or end, just like your love for us is always there for us, surrounding us every day.

Adult: Jesus, we look forward to celebrating your birth at Christmas. Open our hearts to love all the people we meet each day.

EVERYONE: Come Lord Jesus into our hearts and into our home.

SECOND Sunday OF ADVENT: Light a SeCOND Purple Candle (The Candle of PEACE)

Child: Jesus, our brother, we ask you to bless our family during this Advent time. We light these candles to remind us that you bring light into our lives and into the world. We thank you for showing us how to show love and be kind and help those who need help.

Adult: God, your story of love for people all through time reminds us that you are with us, offering us light and hope. Help us to trust in you this week.

EVERYONE: Come Lord Jesus into our hearts and into our home.

THIRD Sunday OF ADVENT: Light THE PINK Candle (The Candle of JOY)

Child: God, we light the pink candle today. This reminds us that you want joy for us…you want us to trust you and believe that you are there for us, even when things are hard.

Adult: Jesus, our friend, we thank you for the joy you give us as a family…for all the love and fun we enjoy together. Help us to share our joy with others.

EVERYONE: Come Lord Jesus into our hearts and into our home.

FOURTH Sunday OF ADVENT: Light THE THIRD PURPLE Candle (The Candle of LOVE)

Child: Jesus our friend and brother, we ask you to bless all the people who are waiting to celebrate your birthday….help us to spend these days of waiting by showing love and kindness to everyone.

Adult: God, your love for us meant that you would give us your own Son. Help us to realise that you love us so much. We look forward to showing your love by being with you on Christmas Day.

EVERYONE: Come Lord Jesus into our hearts and into our home.


Child: Jesus, our new born King, we thank you for coming into the world, bringing us your peace and joy.  Help us to follow the example of love you gave by being the best we can be.

Adult: God, you gave us the best gift this Christmas: the gift of your son, Jesus.  Thank you for all the blessings that come from you.

EVERYONE: Come Lord Jesus into our hearts and into our home.