Attendance at Mass in Malahide needs to be arranged beforehand:

To arrange attendance at Mass fill out the form below. You need only make the arrangement once and at the beginning of each month, on a rota basis, you will be informed of the Masses at which you have a place for the Mass time you requested.

Please note, to facilitate the organisation of the rotation process for attendance at Sunday Mass, new requests received after the 24th of the month are unlikely to offered a place at Sunday Mass during the following month unless cancellations occur.   Requests received after the 24th of the month will be registered for future months.   Month's mind and anniversaries will be facilitated where possible. 

Mass Attendance Form




Parishioners will now be given a monthly list of the Sunday Masses at which they have a place for the Mass time they requested.

Requests for attendance at Sunday Mass made up to now will be included in the May Mass attendance lists.

All on the Mass attendance list have a place in the church.

If you are on the list for a particular Sunday during a monthly cycle, you will be able to attend Mass so long as you are on time.

Once Mass starts, we can no longer guarantee a person their place at that Mass.

If you cannot attend a Mass at which you have a place, we will not be able to rearrange for you to attend a different Mass that month. We would, however, appreciate it if you let us know beforehand of a Mass that you will not be able to attend.

The reason for having to arrange attendance at Mass beforehand is due to the need to facilitate social distancing in the Church. We are reduced to 17 pews giving us 34 spaces some of which can accommodate two from the one household.

For family groups wishing to attend Mass on a special occasion, e.g. anniversary or months mind, we can offer some places in one of the Parish Centre rooms. It may not be at the Mass or on the day of your first choice but, with flexibility on all sides, such requests can be accommodated.

To attend Mass in St. Sylvester’s Church please note the following for all Masses:

  1. To attend Mass you must arrange to be on a list.

  2. Face masks are obligatory if attending Mass. If using a face shield, a face mask must also be used.

  3. Sanitise your hands upon entering and leaving the church.

  4. Stewards will show you to your seats. This is important in ensuring social distancing where two sit together.

  5. At all times follow instructions given on the microphone and by the stewards

  6. Do not attend Mass if you have a cough, runny nose, cold, flu or are in anyway feeling unwell.

  7. Do not attend Mass if you are going for a covid-19 test, awaiting the result of a covid-19 test or have been asked to isolate.

  8. Please remember to wear warm clothing including bringing a blanket/heard covering/gloves as appropriate because we cannot have the heat on during Mass and the windows are open at all times.

In all that we do, we are seeking to have a safe and controlled environment in which Mass is celebrated.

The Sunday Mass obligation has been dispensed with for the time being.

WEBCAM LIVE STREAMING OF MASS AND SERVICES FROM St. SYLVESTER’S CHURCH. SUNDAY AND WEEKDAY MASSES FROM ST. SYLVESTER’S, MALAHIDE ARE NOW AVAILABLE ON OUR WEBCAM.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               



People wishing to attend weekday Mass will now be given a monthly notification of being on the daily Mass attendance list. For a one time attendance at weekday Masson the occasion of some special intention, please contact the Parish Office.

As the requests for attendance at daily Mass exceed the number of places available and is greater than 50, there will be an increasing possibility that, on some days, we may not be able to cater for everyone who wishes to attend weekday Mass. People attending weekday Mass need to be aware of the following arrangements for weekday Mass:

Once all spaces are filled or 50 people are in the Church, the doors will close.

Only those on the list will be allowed into Mass until all spaces or 50 people are in the Church.

Once all spaces are filled, nobody else can enter the Church even if on the list.

Once Mass starts, the doors will be closed and nobody else will be allowed in regardless of whether all spaces are filled or 50 people are in the Church